Friday, May 29, 2020


Talofa lava bloggers!

Today I am going to show you my covid-19 poster. 



  1. Kia Ora Emarze

    I really liked your Poster about your Bubble and I really found it interesting to read your poster. My favourite memory was the same as yours. Next time you could tell what you learnt During lockdown. Ka pai Emarze. Keep up the great work!

    From Pita

  2. Hi Ehmarze,

    I liked your poster about Covid - 19. Was there anyone else that was with in the level 4 lock down? Maybe next time you put in your favorite memory of distance learning.

  3. Hi Ehmarze.
    I liked this post I liked how it was about covid-19. I really liked how you said what you did and what you missed. Maybe next time can you add a bit more information into this post. Like add what was the best thing about being in lock-down.


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