Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My straw rocket

 Hi everyone yesterday I finished off my straw rocket. While I was making it I really enjoyed it and my favourite part was when I made the top bit for my rocket.

Heres a photo of my rocket I made🠋🠋


  1. Good afternoon Blessing!

    This looks very interesting... what is a 'straw' rocket exactly? I like how you described your favorite moment during the process of creating your rocket. It is a very good way to reflect on what we learnt and what we enjoyed.
    Maybe you could explain to your readers what differentiate a straw rocket from a normal rocket?
    Miss Mathilde

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mrs Mathilde sorry for the late reply so basicly a straw rocket is when you blow the paper hole and it goes out flying. Well if youre interested in making one I can blog about the instructions.

      Kind Regards


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