Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Ako Hiko Animation Film 2021

 Hey everyone today I did a animation for ako hiko film 2021. Heres the video and I hope you like it. Making this animation only took me 30 minutes it was really easy it wasnt really that hard to make. I enjoyed choosing the backround

Thursday, November 18, 2021

My pattern

 Hey everybody today I made my own pattern by using mandala creator its really cool you should try it out! Heres a image of my pattern

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Hey everyone today I finished a task for similies and here I would like to show you a image of it.

Monday, November 8, 2021

My recipe template

 Hey everybody today I just want to share my special recipe and I hope you will like it.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

How to turn invisible

Hello fellow bloggers. Today I would like to share my work from my home learning. We had to make a magical potion instruction for halloween. I chose to do a potion to become invisible. What I really liked about doing this task was that it was funny trying to think of different things to put in and something I will work on is using more interesting and scary describing words. Thanks

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My earthquake poster

 Hello bloggers, do you know what to do if there was an earthquake in NZ? Well here is my poster Ive finished for todays home learning task with helpful tips to help keep you safe. NZ also has a national earthquake drill that you can be part of on Thursday 28 October 2021 at 9.30am. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My straw rocket

 Hi everyone yesterday I finished off my straw rocket. While I was making it I really enjoyed it and my favourite part was when I made the top bit for my rocket.

Heres a photo of my rocket I made🠋🠋

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Top 3 best things to do in tonga

 Hey everybody here is the top best 3 things I think everybody would want to do in tonga. 3. Watch whales swim

2. Have food at a restraunt

1. See the fishing pigs

Also here is my task I finished a while ago if you want advice from it🠟

Monday, September 13, 2021

My pet dog

 Hi everybody today I will be talking about my pet dog. My dogs breed is a samoyed and his name is sage. His fur is really fluffy and he likes to sleep and sit next to me. Sometimes he can be a bit naughty like when he always steals my cats food and scares her away. He is similar to mrs p's dog because he is a working snow dog his breed is also known for snow cold places. If the weather is cold he wont mind. Thank you for reading my story about my dog have a great day everyone!

American Akitas

 Hey bloggers today we will be talking about american akitas. There are not many american akitas in new zealand there are only 2 types of american akitas. The 2 types of akitas are not the same they are different. The american akita has a black mask on its face and is more bigger than the japanese akitas. The japanese akitas are much smaller and have a mixture of white and brown on their coat.  The akita is double coated with the undercoat being dense and plush and last of all the top is short. Dogs that have a double coat blow their coat twice a year because when the weather is warm they shed their old winter coat to let in the summer light come through. The long coat akita is a beautiful unusual breed short fur is the dominant version of the coat length, while the long coat is recessive so pups are quite rare, and are only born if mother and father are carrying the long coat gene-  which would be highly improbable. An american akita are friendly, alert, responsive, docile and courageous. Akitas are quiet, fastidious dogs. They are really wary of strangers and other animals but they are very silly and affectionate with their owner and family. Thank you for reading my story about american akitas have a great day and enjoy the rest of your day.

Friday, September 10, 2021


 Hi everyone today this is my task I have finished for today.

Deep sea diver or astronaut

 Hi Bloggers today we are going to talk about would you rather be a deep sea diver or a astronaut. I would rather be a deep sea diver because I can explore so many different things under the sea. Tell me in the comments down below what you would be!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Cybersmart challenge google drawing fish

 Hello this is my google drawing I made using shapes and lines in google drawing. This task is todays cybersmart challenge to help us learn how to png an image and embed it into our blog and also how to use google drawings by using shapes and the line tools. This ia fish that I drew using google drawing. One tip I have for someone that wants to make a drawing using google drawing is to start with a easy image and just have a play around with the shapes first and the different tools to get use to it.

Cyber smart vlog post challenge

 Hi everyone,

Today's home learning task is a cyber smart challenge. We need to create and record ourselves using our webcam for our vlog video about ourselves. I used my about me on my blog profile to help me but I also added extra things in. Hope you all enjoy it. Thanks

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Mad libs

Hi everyone today I would like to share my online hearning. Todays task was to go on a website called Madlibs and you put in different adjectives and nouns things like that and then it just automatically generates the story for you. The stories are really funny. Here is mine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

 Hey bloggers would you rather be able to fly or be invisible which one would you choose? Tell me down below in the comments.

 I would rather have the abillity to fly because I can see everything in the sky from so far away! also because I can go where ever I want. I think I would have a pretty good view seeing everybody down below me.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Cybersmart challenge, My paralympic sign creation

 Hello bloggers one of my home learning taks is to share something we have created. I decided to share my paralympics sign I made together with my siblings. We used different paint colours to colour it in. This sign we created to share our support for the NZ paralympics team in Tokyo. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

My Halberg Games 2021 Experience


Hello fellow bloggers. Today I want to share something that I am very proud of and something that is very special to me. We have been talking a lot about the olympics games but something I have been looking forward to was the Paralympic games. My teacher Mrs Eagleson was talking about it at our google meet and I was really excited to talk about it so I emailed her. My blog post today will be about my special experience at the 2021 Halberg Games. Many of you may not know what the Halberg games is so I am here to tell you.

Halberg games is a special 3 day event held in Auckland and it is for kids in NZ with all different kinds of disabilities. I went to the Halberg games with my family and my team members from Parafed Auckland. It was the BEST 3 DAYS EVER OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! The first day I got there I walked in the big hall and I met so many famous people like Dan Carter, Richie Macaw, Hayden Barton Cootes, Terry Faleva'ai, Barney Koneferenisi and so much more!! And heaps of Paralympic people that is in Tokyo right now!! 

I played lots of different sports it was so cool I played Wheelchair basketball, karate, golf, archery, shot put, discus, long jump, 50m race, crossfit, cricket but the most important one that was my ALL TIME FAVOURITE WAS WHEELCHAIR RUGBY!! It was the best game ever and it was so much fun I even got some really good tips from Wheel blacks star Hayden and I made heaps of new friends as well. One of the ex paralympian was a really good friend to me and my family and he was a really good mentor and gave me good life advice that I will always remember. His name is Terry Faleva'ai! He is so funny man he made us all laugh and helped me because I was really nervous because it was my first time at the Halberg games and also he knows heaps of cool tricks! He even won heaps of medals when he went to the Paralympics and that really inspired me to keep playing sports. I watched a interview about him on Attitude channel on youtube he is a big inspiration to me. Terry even gave me cool tips about how to get the ball from the ground by using the wheels on my wheelchair. So first when the ball is on the ground I wheel my wheelchair and grab the ball and make it go on my wheel and the wheel spins the ball back up to me and thats how I get the ball. 

I enterd a 50 meter race and I came second place and after my race I felt so happy I posed at the end of the race and made everyone laugh,when I was running during my 50 metere run I saw my mum, dad, brother cheering me on. So after that race my friend Terry recomened I play rugby wheelchair so I followed him over to play rugby wheelchair when I tried it out I was so good at it. While I was holding the ball there was two people trying to get the ball off me so I wheeled over to the right side then quickly wheeled to the left side and I scored for my whole team. After that score the two people rolled into eachothers wheelchair and banged eachother. At my prizegiving I ended up getting a certificate for MVP wheelchair rugby and alsoa gold medal. 

It was so much fun trying all sorts of different sports and it made me feel really good about myself and confident too. My advice for others is to stay positive and if you fail just keep trying and trying again and dont give up. Don't listen to the haters too because they will be laughing now but one day they will be cheering you on at the Olympics or Paralympics. Hope you all enjoy reading about my games.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Mini film challenge

 Hi bloggers here I have a stop motion mini film I made using my dragonball z figurines. The film is meant to show Goku and Vegeta fighting together to stop all the different covid 19 strains coming down to earth. In the end Vegeta ultimately wins against the biggest and strongest covid 19 strain delta! I really enjoyed making this stop motion film for the mini film challenge. I enjoy making stop motions thats mostly what I do on my ipad. It takes so long to mkae it though. I spent nearly 2 hours putting them in different poses and taking lots and lots of photos and different shots from different angles so I hope you all enjoy it!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Life in lockdown

 Hi bloggers today I will share my work I comnpleted for my home learning. Our task today is to write down a list of emotions people might be feeling during lockdown and also a list of the hardest things about lockdown and the best things about lockdown. The last task was to do a bucket list. For my first thing on my bucket list I chose to go see my Papa because I feel sad for him living at the rest home by himself and I want my Mum to be happy. You can read mine and make a bucketlist too. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Summer acrostic poem

 Kiaora everyone this is my acrostic poem about summer. This is part of my home learning. I hope you like it

Google meet ready etiquette

Hello all this is one of my lockdown activities. In my slides I will show you google meet ready etiquette so you will be ready next time you have a google meet. Enjoy.

Google meet ready etiquette

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Roll a dice story

 Hey guys today I have done my task for ''roll a dice story'' I tried my best to make it interesting and creative! I love writing so I hope you enjoy it and can give me some good feedback. Enjoy.



Friday, August 20, 2021

How to make a paper aeroplane

 Hello bloggers please check out my work I've done about how to make a paper aeroplane. Enjoy

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Rockets and Space

 Kia Ora bloggers me and my class have learned to make our favourite sentence. Here is mine. ''When the rockets blast off into space, the fire comes out from the fins so it makes it fly.'' 

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 Hey guys today I did some work on giraffes here are some facts about giraffes.
Giraffes are the tallest mammals on earth and live in Africa. Although all giraffes have the same colour so they can camouflage. Acacia trees are giraffes' favourite food. Like cows, giraffes are ruminants which means they have four stomachs and they also spew their food back out. Giraffes can run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances, or cruise at 10 mph over long distances. Giraffes only need to drink once every few days.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sound Wards

Hi bloggers today I have finished my task from today here is a image of my task that I finished. This took me 20 minutes to do,I hope you like it.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Optical illusion

  Hello bloggers. Today ive finished my optical illusion. Here is a image of my optical illusion 
as you can see I used the lines for my work.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Ready for learning

 Hello bloggers! Today I finished some tasks and took a break. Here are some of the tasks I finished